Green Rocks - For a Greener Lawn
Green Rocks are the ultimate, 100% natural solution designed to prevent those pesky yellow patches on your lawn caused by pet urine.
Simply place these rocks in your pet’s water bowl, and marvel as your lawn returns to its original, vibrant green hue. Sourced from quality quarries, Green Rocks are an essential for pet owners who wish to maintain a pristine garden.
- 100% Natural: Green Rocks are made from naturally occurring paramagnetic igneous rock, free from any chemicals and safe for all household pets.
- Effortless Application: Just place the rocks in your pet’s water bowl. No manual treatments or complicated procedures required.
- Durable and Cost-Effective: A single pack of Green Rocks lasts up to 2 months, making it a cost-effective solution for a beautiful, green lawn.
- Environmentally Friendly: Green Rocks are a sustainable choice, reducing the need for chemical lawn treatments that can harm the environment.
- Safe for Multiple Pets: Non-toxic and safe to use, Green Rocks are suitable for households with multiple types of pets, including cats, rabbits, and other small animals.
- Enhances Water Quality: These rocks not only protect your lawn but also act as a water purifying agent, which can contribute to your pet's overall well-being.
- UK-Made: Proudly sourced and packaged in the United Kingdom, ensuring top-notch quality and local craftsmanship.
- Endorsed by Veterinarians: Recommended by veterinary professionals as a safe and effective alternative to chemical lawn treatments.
Where to Buy
Green Rocks Gravity-Feed Bowl
Ensure your pet stays hydrated throughout the day with the Green Rocks Gravity-Feed Dog Bowl. This innovative hydration station features a 4-litre water bottle that effortlessly supplies fresh water to your pet.
Thanks to its gravity-feed mechanism, the bowl refills automatically, making it a convenient choice for busy pet owners. Crafted for durability and ease of use, the Green Rocks bowl is the go-to hydration solution for your furry friend. Plus, it's designed to work seamlessly with our Green Rocks for a lawn that stays lush and green.
- Generous Capacity: Equipped with a 4-litre water bottle to provide a constant supply of fresh water for your pet.
- Gravity-Feed System: As your dog drinks, the bowl automatically refills, eliminating the need for manual intervention.
- Robust Construction: Made from premium, BPA-free plastic, the Green Rocks bowl is both durable and safe for your pet.
- Easy Cleaning: The bowl detaches easily for cleaning, and the water bottle features a self-sealing mechanism that allows for simple removal and washing.
- Self-Sealing Mechanism: The water bottle pops in securely with a self-sealing mechanism, ensuring a leak-free experience.
Where to Buy